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Catfish Bait Balls That Really Work

Catfish fishing is one of the most fun and exciting sports around. It is enjoyed by anglers of all ages and skill levels but they can be a little harder to reel in than some of the other species. For one thing, the catfish can grow to some astonishing sizes. Therefore, you need to have an idea of how big the catfish in your area are so you can be prepared with the right equipment.

The size of the catfish and the fight they can put up is one of the main reasons anglers are drawn to this amazing species. There is nothing more exciting than the thrill of reeling in a big cat. Even the smaller ones can put up an incredible struggle.

Anglers also seek after the catfish because they make an excellent meal and can be prepared in several different ways. It you have never tasted catfish in the past you should consider giving it a try. You may discover that you enjoy the taste so much that it becomes your new favorite food.

The baits that you use will make all the difference when it comes to fishing for catfish. They are a bottom feeder that uses the sense of smell to seek out food. You can use this to your advantage and draw the catfish in your direction through the bait that you use. One of the most popular baits used for catfish fishing is bait balls.

There is a variety of different catfish bait balls available that really work. You can buy this bait from your local bait and tackle shop or you can make your own. Homemade bait balls are the favorite of many anglers simply because it gives them the opportunity to come up with their own special mixture.

Homemade Catfish Bait Balls

Many anglers prefer to use homemade catfish bait balls over any other kind because they have proven to be successful throughout the years. Some recipes have been passed down form one generation to another and some are new concoctions that angers have come up with on their own. Making your own homemade catfish bait balls gives you the freedom to experiment and try different things until you discover what works best for you and the area in which you are fishing

Catfish bait balls can be made out of a variety of different ingredients. One great recipe is the catfish dough balls. These can be made from anything ranging from peanut butter to bread to cookie dough. You can go catfish fishing by rolling one of these into a ball and placing the ball onto the end of the hook.

Of course, you can make them more interesting by using one of these as a base and then adding some type of stink bait to it. Cheese, garlic powder or chicken livers are good choices. You combine the ingredients you choose until it becomes firm enough to stick together. Now you are ready to cut off and roll up small pieces to take fishing.

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