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Catfishing And A Few Things You Should Know

Catfishing And A Few Things You Should Know

When we talk about catfish we are actually talking about a quite large species with a lot of different catfish involved. When we go after catfish we can do that almost anywhere in the world in fresh water. Even in rare occasions you can catch a few different types in salt water but please remember this is quite rare. 10 to 15 pounds is an average size you can expect to catch when fishing for different species of catfish. This size is usually quite easy for most fisher people to catch. However some of the species of catfish grow very large and no matter how good of a fisher person you are you will get a good run and fight for your money.

The thing you will most notice on catfish is whats called barbells. When we talk about barbells we talk about whiskers that are very similiar to a cat. The barbells are organs that are found around the mouth of a catfish. We know a cat uses its whiskers to know and understand what is around it. Well that is exactly what a catfish does with its barbells. The other thing the barbell is used for is taste when catching fish in waters that are too murky to see in.

The next thing we will talk a little about are fins. On a catfish it will be noticed that their pectoral and dorsal fin are empty. The ray on top of these fins are very sharp and very strong. If the fish feels frightened in any way it can and will send out a powerful protein that stings. In some cases this protein can even be dangerous to man. It can be so bad from these certain fish that a stay at the hospital would be needed. When it comes to an electric catfish it cant poison you but the alternative of 350 volts isnt any better.

Mnay of people have heard of noodling but how many people know what noodling is? For this you will be leaving the traditional equipment like rods and reels at home. Many years ago during the depression noodling was used as a cheap way to provide food for families. However it has since graduated to a sport. You do need to understand and be able to identify where the catfish will be if you want any chance of catching them. In almost all cases a noodler will fish in wading deep water and will need spotters to help them.

The first thing you want to do is identify the spot as a fish holder and not a spot thats holding turtles or snakes. The way to do this is first put a stick into the spot you plan on fishing in. Once this is done you will stick your hand deep in the hole and basically make your hand and arm the bait that the catfish will go after. As soon as the catfish feels threatened it will reach out and bite the hand. At this moment the noodler needs to take its hand out of the water. This is where the spotters come in. The spotter will remove the fish and either let it go or put it somewhere to take home later. The spotter is very important because some catfish can get big enough to drag a human being under the water and drown them. Because of that fact alone noodling has become an extreme sport.

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