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Ball Handling Drills

Do you have some simple drills for improving off hand dribbling?

Hi Jake,

Do the same drills or practice as you would with your strong hand. It is good you are aware that you must develop your off hand because there is a definite disadvantage if you can't use your off hand. My suggestion would be to practice as often as possible with your off hand. Dribble, dribble, and dribble some more until you are comfortable with both hands. Ask your coach for some drills but one drill that helps is dribble against a wall (outside) or handball court. This helps you develop a feel with your off hand. We had an old gym on campus that had a long wall with no bleachers in the way and I would have the players dribble the ball against it walking the length of the wall. It helped strengthen there off hand. Good luck!

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