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I am a 60 yr old playing to a 12 handicap. I currently play right handed.  I'm a natural left hander and played that way from teens to early twenties.
I'm toying with the idea of going back to lefty, because of a old left ankle injury that hurts when I try to finish properly. My overall long/medium game is dimishing.

Hello Dennis:
Sorry for delay in answering your question.  I guess I have to ask when you played left handed, what was your best handicap?  I know that was quite awhile ago now, however, it seems to me that you would start all over again.  If you have the time and the desire to do it all over again, I would say go for it.  I personally (in 24 years) have not seen it make a difference in someones game that much.  I've seen guys do it both ways and do it well, but I've never seen the average golfer make the switch and get better just because they were a natural left hander.  60 years old and playing to a 12 is great.  I would make it my goal to get more flexible, get stronger and work like a madman on my short game to get my handicap down to single digits.  I wouldn't switch to left handed and then start from the beginning again to try to do it.  Good luck if you do though.  

Eddie Kilthau
PGA Member  

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