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Easy Meals To Make When Camping

2016/7/26 14:50:34

When you go out camping you are bordered by nature. For a few days or a week you will be alone with your family or friends. As luck would have it there are still many ways to have fun. It may sometimes be tricky for us to understand what type of recipes to make when we are out in the middle of the woods when we do not have a cabin to stay in. However, it is not hopeless. All you need is some great food and cookware that will make it all feasible!

First Breakfast

The first meal that you must prepare is breakfast. Bring with you a cast iron frypan and a spatula. Start your campfire and put the skillet over the rack that is over the fire. This is essentially your cooking stove! In the frypan you will cook eggs, bacon, French toast, biscuits, or sausage. Merely keep each of your food in a sealed tight cooler so that creatures don't track it down.

Lunch Time

This is likely the easiest out of each the meals. You want to prepare something that is fast and simple so that you can get back to hiking or swimming in the lake. Have bread, cheese, and your favorite meat in the cooler. To go with the sandwiches you can provide pretzels or chips. Again make sure it is all completely sealed in containers when you are not consuming them.

Dinner Time

This is by far one of the trickiest camping meals to prepare and you may do several things. The most ordinary thing to eat up are hamburgers and hot dogs. Everyone enjoys them and they are easy to cook. If you would like to have something a bit more filling you might bring along a camping oven dish and cook a casserole. Of course this might take longer and expects a good deal of ingredients.

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