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What You Need To Know About Fishing Charters Before You Book

If you're going charter fishing for the very first time, you probably have lots of questions about the whole experience. What do you look for in a charter boat? Will your kids be safe? How long will the trip take? Is there a guarantee that you will catch some big fish? It's good to have all your concerns addressed before going for the trip. It ensures your experience turns out to be memorable. So here is some basic information about charter fishing that every first timer needs to know.

Setting a fishing budget
Fishing charters usually charge different rates depending on the number of people in the group, the duration of the trip, type of boat and the kind of fishing the client wants. You can pay as little as $50 for a fishing trip per person or as high as $500 per person. Most charter boats will also request for a 50% deposit when you book in order to secure the trip for you. There are instances when issues like the weather can keep you from going to the fishing trip. In this case, the charter boat should be able to refund the deposit if you are not able to attend at a later date.

Choosing where to go fishing
If you have no experience with charter fishing, you probably are open to the options available. You can choose to go fishing offshore or inshore. Bear in mind that there are different boats for each kind of fishing trip. Inshore charters are usually a lot more fun because they are private.

Duration of the fishing trip
If you choose to go inshore fishing, expect to spend 4 to 6 hours on your trip. There are also some family friendly offshore charters that offer shorter trips of 4 to 6 hours long. But most offshore charters take a lot longer with trips that are up to 12 hours long. There are even large charter boats that will take 24 to 36 hours for a fishing trip. It depends on the kind of adventure you are looking forward to experiencing and the type of fish you want to catch.

The type of fish to catch
When going inshore fishing, the type of fish you are likely to catch include redfish, sea trout, tripletail, pompano and white trout. Inshore fishing basically involves fishing around the rock piles and structures like gas rigs, jetties and rock piles that are likely to hold fish. Trolling or sight fishing involves fishing near the shore line. In this case, you are likely to catch fish that is in open water and not near any reefs or structures.

Deep sea fishing targets fish that are over artificial and natural reefs. Deep sea fishing can take you over 50 miles away from land depending on the duration of your charter. Deep sea fishing targets the big types of fish and can be quite intense for a newbie. Examples of fish caught when deep sea fishing include amberjack, long tail bass, scorpion fish and red snapper among others.

Copyright (c) 2016 Oaks Charters

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