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Carp Bait Recipes And Homemade Boilies And Paste For Beating Ready Made Baits!

You can break free from the confusion and costs of ready made baits, instant attractor pineapple and butyric acid baits etc, and food baits right now! There has never been a better time to take control and make very uniquely potent secret homemade baits to beat even the best ready made food baits! Improve your big fish catches for life; read on!

If you think about carp baits it is very likely that your mind brings up images of boilies, or perhaps other baits such as hemp, or tiger nuts, or pellets, hempseed, or even maggots for example. But in all likelihood you will probably have been picturing boilies, and perhaps your favourite brand or flavours relating to these. One of the most powerful things you can do to significantly improve your big carp catches is to erase these kinds of associations. Bear with me on this as it leads you to where you need to be in being an exceptional homemade bait maker of baits that beat any popular readymade food bait!

The reason for this is that if your starting point in bait is focused upon brand, or flavours or traditional old school paradigms of bait design then you are definitely not actually thinking like a fish, but like an angler. Free your mind to think fresh thoughts and think out of the box, and provide your fish with completely new bait experiences. Being different is the biggest edge in carp fishing and this is because carp constantly dynamically adapt towards any new threat and popular readymade baits are a threat because they have so many commonly used features, characteristics, substances, formats and applications. But think like a fish and your results will improve because your focus in exactly the place it needs to be!

It may seem odd, but the fishing tackle and bait industry is about profit margin and the bottom line and this means aiming to get maximum sales from the massive majority to hit the biggest numbers! This means that they inevitably are drawn towards encouraging and exploiting a form of psychological conditioning which is very apparent in sports such as carp fishing and football. Check this out and you will find that anglers tend to think you are odd if you do not use any branded fishing gear or the most popular baits on their water! Yet one of the most proven ways to catch some of the least caught fish is to give them something different to what they are familiar with!

This actually means that in many cases you might think you are using the best bait, but it is simply that everyone else is using it that makes it appear good. For instance if everyone used Marmite bread paste instead of Mainline Cell on every water it is being used on, then results might make very many anglers think that Marmite paste was the best bait in the world because of so many fish being caught on it! I am not joking when I suggest that if you made a paste using very ripe liquidised papaya, Marmite, probiotic yeast and the most yeasty smelling bread you can find, that you will do very well indeed against Mainline Cell! But that is not my main point, and I wish to really open your mind to vaster possibilities for improvement of your catches!

Carp behave in relation to stimuli, and give them new and different stimuli and they have to really focus on the new and different in order to determine if it is an opportunity, or a threat. Therefore the easiest and most simple way to get around conditioned carp caution and get more bites is to make it as difficult as possible for carp to avoid capture by thinking differently, and being different in your resulting actions (your different thinking with result in different but highly beneficial actions in your entire fishing process!)

If you are different then anglers tend to be suspicious of you; they most often perceive you as a threat because you are not like them. But how many times does a new angler on a so-called hard water come along and instantly have the kind of catches that the regular anglers simply do not experience? It is about differences and refined differences of many kinds. You might say that an exceptional angler is no different to an average angler, except for the fact that all the slight differences in thinking and awareness, the slight refinements in the whole process all add up and make all the difference!

Many carp anglers follow fashions not simply to use the latest gear to look good, or use a popular bait because they really do not understand how to think like a fish instead of a company hypnotized sheep, in effect. Many anglers buy what they do to fit in with the crowd, and companies really love this kind of fear of not fitting in with the herd or tribe, as in Tribal gear or clothing or whatever.

I have got to say how powerful the media really is in conditioning anglers. For example I actually had one guy on the bank tell me that Mainline Cell was the best bait in the world, yet he had not caught on it for 4 days. Yet within twenty minutes of changing over to a couple of homemade baits I gave him, he caught two carp (including a personal best forty.) These fish were hooked right over all the bait he had been feeding his swim with (and the fish were in the swim all the time,) but the lake had been bombarded with Cell by the majority of anglers that fished there. The homemade baits I gave him were not instant highly flavoured baits nor traditional food baits, but something very different!

The average carp angler tends to be of a younger age and is actually more likely to feel safer copying the herd to fit in, and this is a proven psychological behaviour expressed by human males mostly below the age of 40 plus; before a stronger sense of personal individual personal power and personal identity and awareness of unique individuality has been gained.

Generally speaking this means that football fans or carp fisherman will tend to belong or have a kind of brand loyalty towards one particular club or brand so most often a football fan will not be a fan of two clubs at the same time, and for instance a carp angler may well be a fan of Mainline or Korda, or of Fox Tackle or Nash Baits etc.

Think about it; is your focus on particular brands? My point is that carp have not interest in whether you wear Diem clothing, or use Shimano reels or use Mainline Cell. Apart from fish location and correct rig dynamics and bait presentation for a particular fishing situation, two of the most important factors in your success are these:

Bait which stimulates feeding behaviours of one form or another which actually gets your hook into the mouth of a fish (despite wariness and caution.)

Use of an exceptional hook with correct length, bend, angles and ratios to maximise hook point access and penetration, with a hook point which instantly penetrates with absolute minimum resistance to at least 4 millimeters depth, with no pressure from a lead at all. To achieve such a hook point finesse involves lengthy manual sharpening to take the hook point to a thickness far thinner than any hook on the market. (If you want to see a picture of such a hook as this which is the ideal hook point then contact me!)

The chances are that if you are focused upon brands and have a fixation with brand loyalty, then you feel a fear of change, even guilt at changing brands. Maybe you might not feel any guilt in connection with brands, but more a confusion about which to use. Going back to thinking like a fish it takes all focus off such irrelevant matters when you focus upon why and how fish actually feed upon bait.

When your focus is on this you can very easily catch big fish after big fish without using any expensive brands of tackle at all, and if you want proof of this I will be very happy to show you pictures of my 21 (to date,) UK forties, caught on minor brand (or totally unbranded) fishing gear. These fish were invariably caught by focusing on the how and why carp actually manifest feeding behaviours in the presence of totally unique baits.

My homemade baits are not food baits in the traditional sense of high nutritional or balanced nutritional stimulation, but they are certainly not based around concentrated flavour attraction and low bioactivity carbohydrate boilie base mixes.

There are other paradigms of bait that you can exploit, which beat readymade food baits, and that is a proven fact. If you want proof, well I have been doing this for years.

If you want to immediately become limited by your own focus upon searching for recipes then please realise that once you get a hit of fish on your water those fish will not simply keep consuming it as if it was not a threat. Few big carp are not under constant pressure today, and to have an incredible arsenal of 100 percent guaranteed successful options of variations to your successful baits is really a gigantic edge, and that is something I can provide and been increasing my capacity to provide for the past 6 years, especially as this has been my full time job!

Prices for raw material have been zooming up in recent years and this includes the price of eggs and carbohydrate ingredients traditionally used as cheap bait binders. But most of all, the prices of high protein additives and ingredients has shot up. From the perspective of an average carp angler addicted to using fish meal type ready made food baits, this probably means nothing, but I can tell you now that stocks of one of the mainstays of fish meal baits will not be available soon due to collapsing fish stocks and rising prices. L030 soluble fish protein from Sopropeche is a massive part of the success of so many ready made fish meal baits, but other fish products are becoming more and scarcer. For instance tuna meal used to be easily available. Check out the situation now!

My point is that for those anglers addicted to fish meal baits please bear in mind that with the gigantic demand now from India, China and other countries for raw materials, fish are on the point of becoming not merely an unsustainable food source, but not a viable option at all in regards to fishing baits in the future. Even the management of fish stocks around the relatively rich UK sea fish stocks has led to 50 percent of all fish caught by trawlers being dumped (dead,) back into the sea.

I have been brainwashed in the past into exploiting fish meals as it was the fashion, but in fact I have never caught more fish than average using these, compared to exploiting other substances, and this is due to a number of significant reasons.

The fact is that far too many anglers have been sucked into a form of hypnosis where thinking beyond old paradigms about baits generates a degree of fear and suspicion. What if I suggested that you can catch just as many big carp by not using food baits, and not using highly over flavoured attractor baits? (This is what I have been doing for years.) Of course if you are skeptical of this just remember how successful baits like rig foam, fake corn, hemp and maggots are!

In thinking out of the box of traditional bait paradigms you can forge your own unique directions and paths in creating very unusual new homemade baits, and new exciting applications of these, and exploit these to catch far more than the average angler using ready made food baits!

In my case I realised years ago that carp are literally dependant upon how their sensory systems and internal processes etc have evolved in direct response to the available nutrient sources which have been most energy efficient to exploit along the time line of carp evolution which obviously have resulted in maximum chances of carp survival and ongoing reproduction right down to today.

Thinking like a fish using this bigger picture plus many other aspects really has a massive impact upon the roads to travel along and exploit in your bait making. No longer are you going to be trapped in an L030, and green lipped mussel type traditional paradigm, but will immediately see other options which carp are exceptionally sensitive to! This is something very close to my heart because this kind of thinking, that we are individually evolved in response to food most available in our environment along our own unique genetic lineage is highly significant to our health. We all as individuals have unique differences in our nutrient requirement levels, abilities to digest, or assimilate various substances within foods, and we individually differ in terms of our unique sensitivities to potent substances not associated at all with nutrients!

For example, some people are allergic to strawberries, and some people hate the smell or taste of fish. Some people can smell and taste the kinds of soil that a variety of grape has been grown in, from the compounds in the wine being tested. This is about thinking like a fish, and not about brands or media induced mass hypnosis and conditioning towards one brand or another.

I do not think about what name my bait has, or how many of my friends or high profile anglers have caught whatever number of fish on any particular brand of bait because my baits stimulate feeding because I focus on why and how this occurs in maximised and truly optimised ways within my unique homemade baits. Whatever readymade baits historically or currently being used on a water I fish are completely irrelevant! I hope you really get this point and why this point is so important to make because I know so many anglers are really fixated by what brand of bait is being used by others on their water, when in fact it is simply not even something a thinking angler gives a single thought to because it truly is irrelevant when you have correct focus and are thinking like a fish and not an angler!

For instance I use unique homemade baits which exploit bioactive substance potency which reward fish internally. These substances, components, compounds etc may affect many or just one specific aspect of fish leading to fish taking the bait into their mouths. My baits for instance may boost health, vitality, immunity, or providing particular benefits not directly related to nutrition at all.

Some aspects of my baits for instance increase stamina in fish, or relieve muscle tension and relax fish making them more energy efficient and able to feed for longer with more intensity thus increasing chances of more bites. Other aspects of my baits or variations of my formulations and recipes improve heart, or vascular system, or liver performance. To do this can be extremely simple involving basing a bait on one particular substance, or building the bait around a type of stimulatory substance used in a very high level or maybe one that works in incredibly low level.

So for instance many substances I might choose from work best at a mere 1 gram, or 4 gram or 11 grams per kilogram of base mix. But I can assure you I'm not that accurate about weighing everything because I know from practiced experience that the major danger in baits in giving them something they have already been hooked on!

You can begin to see that maybe my baits work not as typical food baits but may be designed to have a number of a single primary internal or external effect or impacts. So instead of a food bait aiming to provide a balanced amino acid profile, or water soluble vitamins or certain forms of omega 3, my homemade baits may be created specifically towards effects and impacts for instance provided by substances that assist carp in balancing vital cell pressures internally, or acting as stimulants of gut villi growth (thus improving food assimilation of nutrients,) or as very significant growth enhancers. Some of my baits might operate specifically in terms of massive palatability impacts and internal cellular energy releasers for example.

My homemade baits might even actually provide beneficial gut flora, or stimulate the activity of these highly beneficially, or supply the actual primary food of gut flora. (I bet you would like to know what this is as it is very stimulating indeed!) Such things are not secrets but are simply waiting for you to discover if you open your mind and look for a bigger picture than the modern carp fishing industry in its modern context, and read further!

So go beyond prevalent popular perceptions of food baits, spod or stick mixes, fashions like the salt fad, flavours, and ingredients etc that are promoted via videos or magazines and put your mind where it is most powerful, inside that of a fish! Revealed in my unique readymade bait and homemade bait carp and catfish bait secrets ebooks is far more powerful information look up my unique website (Baitbigfish) and see my biography below for details of my ebooks deals right now!

By Tim Richardson.

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