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McNeely Lake Eagle Scout Pictorial and Story PART ONE

The Eagle Scouts built and located 20 Fish Attractors Around McNeely
Lake in Jefferson County. They did this with the help of KYDFWR.
Here is a pictorial of the work the scouts did.. Thanks Guys.

The Supplies

Marking the PVC

hauling and more marking

The guys have a lot of cutting to do.

PART ONE: http://www.fishin.com/forums2/conten...rial-and-Story

PART TWO: http://www.fishin.com/forums2/conten...Story-PART-TWO

PART THREE: http://www.fishin.com/forums2/conten...ory-PART-THREE

PART FOUR: http://www.fishin.com/forums2/conten...tory-PART-FOUR

Who- kids: Alex Taylor, Greg Donahue, Andrew Kuchenbrod, Sam Broyles,
Jordan Miller, Jeff Ohlendorf, Zack Ohlendorf, Ian Berendsen
adults: Steven Taylor, Tracy Taylor, Martin Green, Jim Kuchenbrod,
Earl Miller, Sandy Miller, Gregory Donahue Sr. , Ray Dunbar, Charlotte
Dunbar, Eric Berendsen

Who- Ky Dep. Fish and Wildlife Resources: Benji Kinman, Kerry Prather, and
Jeff Crosby

What- Fish attractor project

Where- McNeely Lake in Southern Jefferson County

Where- Fish attractors went in front of fishing peer on both sides of dock
and along front bank

When- I thought of this earlier this year after dad told me about a major
project done on Barren River and on other lakes where logs, trees, etc.
were being sunk to provide cover for fish. I was going to do a smaller
version of that or make goose houses. I chose fish habitats, and instead of
using cedar trees, dad encouraged me to place PVC pipe so that hooks would
not get caught in the attractor.

When- The project was approved early on by both my scoutmaster and
committee chairman, then on Friday the 16th by KyDFWR and on Monday the
19th by Mrs. Tina Uhling, the district advancement chair.

When- I drilled holes in the buckets on the night of the 19th to put in
pipe so that the structures would not fall over, but they were put together
on the 20th in about 55 minutes. Wed the 21st they were sunk in the lake,
after the concrete had dried.

Why- I picked this kind of project because I LOVE fishing and the outdoors.
This is one way I can bring what I love closer to the community and "give
back" to it as well. Fish and Wildlife NEEDS these sort of projects done as
well, and they are not overly expensive. With the donations I received, the
total cost was less than $50! It was a project that I could enjoy and feel
good about doing while benefitting others instead of just me.

How- the green stuff is simply PVC pipe that has been flattened for some
purpose but was no longer needed. It is just some more donated PVC pipe for
us to use...nothing special, just good cover for the fish.

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