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7 steps to an Effective Pre-Putt Golf Putting Routine

2016/7/19 14:26:07

Putting styles among professional PGA tour players do differ but one thing that is a constant is that they all follow a pre-putt routine before every putt they take. The reasoning behind this is they can be assured that they have collected all the information necessary to make the best decision they can about their putt. The order of the steps may vary among players but they well implement the steps in order for the pre-putt routine that they have designed for themselves every time they are about to putt. Another advantage of a pre-putt routine is that it well relieve some pressure off you prior to your putt because you will feel more confident that you have not over looked anything.

Below I have outline seven steps to follow each time you are going to putt. These seven steps will help assure you that you have collected all the information you need to make a sound decision. From the moment you have finished your approach shot you should begin going through your check list as you approach the green.

  1. Begin by taking a general survey of the green as you are approaching the green. Look for the overall tilt of the green and for any surrounding lakes, ponds or mountains. Putts will tend to roll away from mountains and towards lakes and ponds.
  2. Squat down behind the ball and begin to determine where the ball may break and pick out your spot to aim. Visualize your target line and start to determine the amount of speed that well be needed.
  3. Walk clockwise around your imaginary target line while looking for any other slope or tilt that you may have missed from your first angle.
  4. Get behind the hole and squat down again to get a view from another angle to determine if your first assessment is correct or is there anything else you need to consider.
  5. Walk up close to the hole and take a close examination around the last 12-14 inches. As the ball gets closer to the hole and losses speed it will be the more effected by any breaks or imperfections in the green. Now continue back to the ball walking clockwise and inspecting your target line on the way back.
  6. Get setup and take a few practice strokes with the feel and stoke you feel you will need. Glance again at your target line and the spot you well be aiming for. Take your last practice stroke with your eyes briefly closed and memorize that feeling.
  7. Finally right before you take your actual putt visualize the putt traveling along the target line and going in the hole. Also, you want to eliminate any negative thoughts. A helpful tip is to recall a previous good putt that you have made in the past. You are now ready to take your actual putt with the confidence that you have completely covered all the bases.

Furthermore, I recommend that you follow the steps in the same order every time. It usually well only take a few minutes to complete and well quickly become second nature to you. In the long run you well be able to save strokes and lower your score. Again, one thing that makes professional tour players excellent putters is that they implement a pre-putt routine religiously before every putt. For additional golf putting lessons visit http://www.golfputtinglessonsandtips.com/ for complete lessons on grip, setup, stroke, reading greens and current articles and video tips on putting.

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