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Golf marketing roi

Golf marketing is selling to the masses, and professional golf membership sales is selling one to one. Now that we know our target it is time to find out what is the best delivery system of golf marketing, golf advertising, or golf promotional messages to capture the target i.e. the golfer. A ton of research is done on this as well like communication studies, advertising execution studies, advertising awareness and tracking studies, packaging studies, price studies, customer satisfaction research, etc. Knowing how to get your message out is equally as important as to who is your audience.

Golf course owners want to know what return they'll receive on the golf marketing dollars they allocate to raise rounds and revenue, known as an ROI. ROI means (for those of you unfamiliar with ROI), "return on investment" or profits derived from an investment subtracted from that investment. I live, eat and breathe golf course marketing and professional golf membership (loyalty programs) sales  so I have a more aggressive attitude to monies spent on golf course marketing  and golf course advertisement than most; but any businessperson worth their weight in salt know numbers, and numbers, never lie. I personally think if you are getting an ROI of 10% or better on any of your in-house golf marketing campaigns…keep doing what you are doing. Ten percent multiplied by several different golf marketing campaigns can add up quick.

With the newly required information from your internal research (the blogs from the past couple of days) you'll be able to implement customer penetration programs i.e. sell more to existing golfers and implement new acquisition programs i.e. golf marketing campaigns that will bring in new golfers.

By now you have learned some of their emotional "hot buttons" (a.k.a. triggers) and how to push/pull them. You know how prospects "feel" about your golf products and services and now you are ready to work on the next step; which the best golf marketing vehicle to engage the casual and core golfer and motivate him/her to take action today e.g.  public relations, packaging, sales promotion efforts, brochures, direct mail, website content and design, e- marketing, corporate identity programs, direct mail, radio, television, billboards, etc. Don't be naïve, golf marketing and golf advertising is necessary to increase the level of awareness of your golf property. You must learn a little about all of these vehicles and many more to run some tests to see which vehicles deliver the best ROI.

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