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How Company Sports Leagues Can Improve Employee Morale

Boosting employee morale is one of the most cost-effective ways to improve business productivity. When employees are satisfied, they take pride in their jobs and naturally work harder. While employees do respond to monetary rewards, like raises and bonuses, implementing morale-boosting activities on a regular basis can keep company spirits high without breaking the bank.

Why Company Sporting Events Matter

The truth is that employees may turn up their noses at a number of cliché "team-building exercises" that are meant to improve attitudes in the workplace. But what many employees can agree upon across-the-board is their love for sports and physical activity.

Providing employees with the option to enroll in a company sports team will give them something to believe in and root for, outside of working hours. Giving employees this type of outlet away from the office can do a world of good by encouraging camaraderie and offering a much-needed mental break.

If your company works hard, then you need to play hard to create balance. Encouraging employees to have fun in a sports league will show them that their employer cares about their greater good, beyond meeting project deadlines and showing up to work on time.

Creating a Company Sports Team: Where to Begin

Even though many workers in your company may be avid sports fans, quite a few may be reluctant to step up to the plate, so to speak. In order to create a company sports team that everyone will get involved in, make it an easy, user-friendly activity that will promote teamwork instead of breeding competition.

A company sports team can function around a simple yet beloved childhood activity like soccer. Most employees know how to play soccer and will enjoy playing as part of a team; if not, employees can choose to sit on the sidelines and root for their favorite team at each game.

Enlisting employees in a soccer team will encourage individuals in different departments to work together and can create long-lasting friendships. Although the atmosphere of team sports may seem rudimentary, it will provide employees with the opportunity to take a break, expend energy through physical exercise, and interact with coworkers outside of the workplace.

Fight Stress and Cut Down on Sick Days

Implementing a company sports team is one way to promote overall employee health and reduce sick leave. Playing a sport like soccer regularly will help employees to stay active and burn calories. Improving physical health can also help to cut down on run-of-the-mill illness, like the flu and common cold.

Last but not least, providing employees with a physical outlet is one effective way to relieve stress on the job. This is especially critical in a high-stress industry where employees may work long hours and have stringent expectations placed on them.

Depending upon your business industry, you may be able to join an existing sports league to play with competing businesses in your area. Otherwise, you can contact city and regional recreational sports leagues to find out more about the guidelines for participating in team sports as a company.

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