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Some Ways To Improve Your Diving Holiday Enjoyment

2016/7/26 16:44:26

Most people would like to go on a scuba diving holiday for one reason, to experience new diving sites and better quality diving conditions. When traveling abroad to a foreign diving destination it pays to make sure you are prepared so that you can get the most out of your short break.

The chances are that some of the equipment that you use at home will not be suitable for the different diving you are going to do. You should find out what sort of diving and under what conditions fro the season you are visiting. For example, just because you are going to a Mediterranean resort, this may not necessarily mean you should leave your dry suit at home and just take your holiday wetsuit. For six months of the year a dry suit would be a reasonable choice in fact, otherwise a full five millimeter wetsuit would suffice. Unless you are planning a few shallow splashes in August you should leave the thin 'shortie' that you used in the Maldives at home! Being comfortably warm under different conditions than you are used to is probably the biggest planning consideration you will have.

You will be limited for luggage weight allowance and so you will want to try to keep the rest of your equipment to a minimum. It may be possible to hire good quality and reliable gear when you are there, but taking your own means that you know it will work well and fit you properly. If you think that you will be night diving a torch will be needed, but perhaps not the big heavy one you use in your murky waters at home.

You will want to be comfortable out of the water as well as in, to ensure that the whole time is spent enjoying the holiday. Make sure you have enough clothing that you are always going to be able to put something dry on after a dive. Check to see if towels are provided as sometimes you will not be allowed to take your bathroom towels provided at your resort along with you to the dive site. Towels are heavy and you only want to pack one if you must.

A dedicated diving holiday will rely on you maintaining your good health throughout the week. Take some upset stomach medicine in case a bout of the local bug attempts to ruin your week. A decongestant, though not strictly advisable when you are diving, just might prevent a mild blocked nose from interrupting your holiday. Waterproof band aids can cushion your unfamiliar warm weather dive gear and prevent blisters forming.

It is essential to be as familiar as you can with your destination, including the diving conditions you will be facing. A diving holiday is expensive and you want to leave afterward with as many good memories as possible. Therefore you must do your research before you set off.

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