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Ball 4 wild pitch

Ok here is the scenario: there are runners on first and second with two outs and a 3 ball 2 strike count. The pitch is thrown in the dirt for ball four and then precedes to bounce off the catcher and into the stands. How many bases would the runners be awarded? Would the runners be awarded the next base because of the walk and then another bass for the ball leaving play? I know on a wild throw the runner is awards two bases from which they started wouldn't this be the same thing?



Thank you for the question as this is one that does come up often and I do see it called wrong a lot. Every level and league may have amended versions of the MLB rules so my answer is for major league baseball.

According to rule 7.05(H) in the MLB rule book, any ball which enters the stands or dugout after being thrown by a pitcher who is touching the rubber is a dead ball and the runners will be awarded one base. The base the runner occupies before the pitch is thrown will be the one he is given an extra base from. So if a runner at first is going on the pitch and reaches the second base before the ball rolls into the stands, he will only be awarded second base.

However, if the ball is kicked into the stands or dugout, then the runners will be awarded two bases. If the pitching steps off the rubber and then makes a throw which enters the stands, he will be considered a position player and the runners will now be awarded two bases.

Hopefully this helps.

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