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softball Earned Run vs Run

What is the difference between an Earned Run and just a run scored?

If a player is walked and is advanced to 2nd and 3rd from her teammates base hit then scores on the next teammates who is get on first due to a defensive error (throwing error) is her run considered an EARNED OR UNEARNED RUN?


In your situation, it depends on how the rest of the inning unfolds.

Player makes it to third because she was walked and then the next batter gets a hit.  This is all on the pitcher.  Now the runner scores due to an error.  The run could be earned or unearned based on how the rest of the inning unfolds.  You need to see what happens the rest of the inning.

Without the error you would have a runner on third with one out.  If the pitcher was able to strike out the next two batters, the run would be unearned.  If the offense does anything before the next two outs (with no errors) are made that would have scored the runner, the run would be earned.

In a situation where the pitcher gets the next two outs on k's you should have three outs but you only have two due to the error.  From this point forward, none of the runs can be earned.

If it is the defenses fault the run scored, then no ER.  If it is the pitchers fault, earned.  In many cases you can not tell if a run is earned until the inning is finished.  To tell if a run is earned, rescore the inning with no errors.  Do not assume the runner on third would have made it home on a play at first if there is a fielder's choice after the error.


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