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throwing distance for 9 year old boy

My grandson wants to know the expected distance in feet for a 9 year old to be able to throw a baseball.  We've been practicing and he's very curious to know and I can't find any information on line about this.  Thank you very much for a response.

Bill:  I am not aware of any standard set by age group.  If you take a group of 10, nine year olds out on a field and have them throw, you will get 10 separate results, based on everything from their maturity, body type, experience, and throwing mechanics.

Little League fields are 60' between the bases and 46' from the mound to home plate.

If he is playing on a team, in an organized league, the measuring stick would be, is he able to make a throw to a base to record an out.  The distances will vary, based on where the ball is hit.

If he is working on his own, outside of an organized league, now is the time for him to learn the proper throwing mechanics.  They will allow him to throw farther, more accurately and help prevent arm injuries.  If you look on my website, www.theoleballgame.com, there is information on throwing under the Baseball Instruction section, from rookie to advanced.  You may find some ideas you can use as you practice with your grandson.

As he picks up the skills, his distances will increase, no matter where he is currently at.

Good luck to you both.  Enjoy the journey, it is a fun experience.

Yours in baseball,


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