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QUESTION: I'm 19 years old, 6ft 4, and 85kg. I play in the backs and look at the likes of Shane Horgan, Rougerie, and Loti Tuquiri and see them my height and all weighing 95-100kg. I've been trying to put on weight for a while with a little success. How important is the size issue for furthering my rugby oportunities?thanks

ANSWER: Your body is not important, it's the ability to use it to the most efficient.

I remember as a young hooker (all those years ago) having to lose weight to be more mobile around the field.

It didn't happen but I improved my technique. I went from literally being played rotation for my local club to playing for Ireland U15s/U17s.

Being lighter means that you can run faster and more mobile, work on speed and strength. So put down the burger and pick up the barbells, and get going with some plan.

Work on just conditioning your body, you don't want popping muscles, as a back you should try and be as quick and agile as you can.

See a personal trainer at your local gym, and ask them.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok, thanks,so in terms of gym work i should be working on power exercises as apposed to slow reps? Any suggested types of speed/ weight training?Thanks

I'm not really qualified, I would advise you to get a gym instructor/personal trainer to give you a personalized workout.

I would suggest shuttle runs to work on your speed and agility, and general upper body work.

But like I said, find a qualified expert who can give you an in depth routine.

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