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Medial knee pain

Hi John,
I am an 18 year old female, training for my first marathon at the end of May.  
I ran my first 15-miler last Friday and did 35 miles for the whole week.  At
the end of my long run, I felt a tiny bit of pain on the inside of my knee, just
next to my knee cap and slightly above it.  I ran 9 miles this past Sunday and
my knee was a bit sore after that, but it felt okay yesterday so I went out
again.  I only ended up doing 4 miles because it began hurting pretty soon
after I had started.  The pain came and went, and wasn't necessarily better or
worse with hills.  Today it's still sore, but it's okay to walk on.  It hurts on
stairs (up and down) and when I'm sitting and extend my leg straight out.  It
almost feels like my quad/tendon is part of the problem (?).  There is no
visible swelling, and as far as I can tell the pain is not associated with the
patella.  It's just the area next to it on the inside and slightly above, as I said.  
I would appreciate any ideas, because I have been trying to figure this out for
the past few days and I would like to get better asap so I can keep training.
Thank you so much!

How are you Alla
With out knowing your training program and how long you have been preparing for this marathon it appears to me that your not giving your self enough recovery time between workouts.You are starting to develop a slight case of chondromalacia based on what your telling me about up and down stairs.Your situation is not serious as long as you address the problems NOW.The stationary bike is the best tool for correcting your situation which is tracking and alignment and not giving yourself enough time between workouts.If you want a more detailed explanation which is a lot easier than email call me hear in albuquerque New mexico at 505 271 5909..No charge any time.

All the very best


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