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Rowing recruiting

2016/7/22 9:48:15

I am rowing for a liberal arts college with a strong crew team but I want to
transfer to Dartmouth. Can rowing help my application and should I ask my
coach to speak to the Dartmouth coach on my behalf?

Hi Andrew: Having crew as an extracurricular activity can only help on your transfer application.  But realistically, it is a minute determinant as compared with your GPA and college boards -- especially at an Ivy League school.

Unless you are a top-caliber rower, it is unlikely the coach is really going to advocate you much to an admissions board.  

In general, make sure you reasons for transferring are strongly justified because you will almost certainly lose some credits in the transfer process and add another semester or two before your graduation -- not a cost-effective thing to do when going to Dartmouth.

Good Luck/AP
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