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track meet

2016/7/22 10:11:54

im in highschool.
meets are after school and i run at about 4-4:30 pm
thanks Gracie!
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i was wondering if you could help me come up with a good meal plan for track meet days.  im not sure exactly how much or what kinds of foods i should be eating for best performance.  i run the 100 and 200.
Hi Gracie
You have to tell me what time you run am,pm.Are you in colledge or high school? Get back to me with this and we can pick it up from here.

All the best


Hi Gracie
The most important is keeping your blood sugar up during the day.That being said you want to start the night before with a good well balanced meal like rice chicken and vegtables and fruit.Use olive oil for the good fat.Add a glass of skin or 1 percent milk.The breakfast is the most important to set you up for the day to maintain your sugar.A good quality bowl of cereal like oat meal with juice grain toast and a banana or apple would do the trick.For lunch i would recomend you pack some of the privous nights dinner in which would give you something that your familiar with that should keep you.I would recomend having a couple of nutritional bars to snack on for a quick stabilizer to keep the edge off.Also you want to keep well hydrated thru out the day.If you have any other questions just get in touch Gracie.

The very best to ya

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