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running/jogging hip injury follow-up

Hi John,
On an e-mail I sent 5/26 I asked you about a right hip and groin injury and you suggested I get back to basics. Should I just quit jogging and stick with a weight program until I have no pain at all? I have done some running because I started to feel better but the pain in my groin is back and the hip pain never did go away. Did I do wrong by going back to running too soon?

Welcome back veronica
First it has only been 13 days which as you can see wasn't enought time.Second,testing is ok and should be done from time to time.You got your answer.You can also include some walking and biking.It is not possible to tell you exactly when you will turn the corner.This will depend on how hard you work at it and consistent you are with your rehap.This problem didn't happen overnight.It won't go away right away.Let me give you an examble from my own personal experience a number of years ago.I was training for nyc marathon to run low 2:50's and running 90 to 115 miles a week,when 6 weeks out from race my left knee went on me in 1 24hr period...One day perfect,next morning i go for my morning run and 3/4 mile into it i'm walking with great discomfort.Long story short,i am done for the next 8 to 9 months.I could not fine a doctor or a thearipist who could give me an intelligent answer.They ranged from orthodics to majior surgery to more double talk on what it could be so they could reach deeper into my pocket book with follow up rehaps on something they couldn't tell me what was wrong to begin with.So much for the medical community.This is where i started to study the medical side of the running injuries.I started to research my problem and came up with answers and started to apply my magic,and wala 8 to 9 months later good as new and never a problem since.I worked at it consistently every day 7 days a week and was determinded to be back on top again.I actually started to enjoy the challenge after a little time went by.I 'm telling you this veronica,not to discourage you,but to give you a real life story which is mine.Beware of the doctors,work hard,be consistent and keep a stiff upper lip.You will know when it is time to motor again.Let me know if you have any other questions.Keep me up to date on your progress.You will win.

To your successfull rehap


I pened a few words for veronica

DOWN BUT NOT OUT it is your choice what fork in the road you decide to take.it is at that moment you run head on into adversity and feel your dream slipping away that you have to rekindle the flame and reastablish your vision of victory in your heart and your mind in order to become the hero of your own success story..you must not think and talk about the problems that lie a head.you must focus on the solutions and stand tall in the difficult times in life and look beyond where you are now and SPEAK TO YOUR MOUNTAINS THAT LIE AHEAD.that is the only way to accomplish the impossible.hope is not a strategy.its the flight plan that you have filed and are comitted to that will take you in the direction to your destination with a safe landing.

John DeHart

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