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Pistol permit Saratoga NY

10 years ago I was arrested for battery but the courts dissmissed the case. On my record it says assault dissmissed but when I called the courts they said thet it was a mistamiener assault however they let me expluge it. Do you think I could try for my permit in Saratoga Co New York or do you think I won't get it. I also am wondering federally would I be able to buy a shot gun?? Hope to hear from you soon. thank You


When applying for a pistol permit in NY State, you must complete an application.  Part of that application is to list whether or not you have ever  been arrested and what the disposition of the case was.  It does not matter if it has been expunged or not, you must list each arrest.  If it was a long time ago and you have not had any issues since that time, the issuing authority MAY decide to issue a permit.  It is totally at their discretion.  You might want to have a conversation with the Sheriff's Office in Saratoga County to see what they think.  The issuing judge will have the final say in this matter, but the Sheriff's office can probably give you some good guidance.

As far as purchasing a shotgun, there is no federal law that would prohibit you from owning a shotgun unless the assault was considered a domestic violence offense.  In that case, the Lautenberg Amendment would apply prohibiting you from owning any firearm.

I hope this helps you out...

Best regards,

Doug Little

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