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180 on a quarter pipe ramp

I'd like to ask how to do 180 in the air on a ramp

  To do a 180 either on a ramp or on the street you have to bend your knees and as you are jumping up, you need to bring your right shoulder all the way over to where your left shoulder was.   

  If jumping that direction isn't comfortable ....bend your knees and as you are jumping up, bring your left shoulder over to where your right shoulder was.

  It will feel like your twisting at your waist.  Make sure the arm and shoulder both move forward at the same time.  Don't just reach with your arm because that won't turn you. Also make sure you're standing up straight and not leaning forward.

  If the shoulder only goes part of the way, you won't do a 180.  Make sure the shoulder gets all the way over to the other side.

Good Luck

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