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My horse won in November, ran a bullet work in early December and bled.
She was not on lasix. She ran last the other day. Before the race she looked
dull and tired, not bright eyed, she did not bleed in the race but tired. After
the race she was tired and extremely thirsty. In October we gave her the large
dose of lasix before a race and she looked dull and did not run well. When
she won she was on a light dose. My question. Can lasix at a higher dose
cause performance problems and how can I avoid these issues with a bleeder.
I am considering a rest for her. Can you recommend a time frame.
Thank you,

I don't feel the lasix is the issue. It sounds like there is something else going on. Lasix will cause dehydration where you may notice in the eyes and coat, but not to the extent you are describing. The horse is sick for other reasons. Those other reasons are the likely causes of the bleeding. Have a vet draw blood for a CBC analysis, along with a total blood screening. This should be able to pinpoint the problem.

Horses bleed for many reason and there is no reason for a fit, healthy horse to bleed in a healthy environment. Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhaging (EIPH) is primarily caused by overexertion, which in turn is the result of many factors.

I suspect this horse has a virus or respiratory infection. Other pulmonary problems that contribute to EIPH stem from allergies, pharyngitis, Dorsal Displacement of the Soft Palate (DDSP) or even COPD. I wish I could narrow things down for you, but it is difficult for me do do so unless I am able to actually put my hands on the horse. Start with the blood test, have the vet perform a bronchoscopy and go from there. If all checks out well, then 60-90 days of fresh air and time off may be a good idea. Please consult your vet for a definite diagnosis and treatment. I am not a vet and I am only making suggestions based on my knowledge of thoroughbred race horses and what I would do with my own.

Christopher Crocker

Crocker Racing Stable Inc.

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