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Iver Johnson 12 gauge

2016/7/22 9:05:08

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Gage,
My family wanted to know around a time our Iver Johnson 12 gauge shotgun (serial 81627) was manufactured. We didn't need the value of it as we don't ever plan to sell it. Its been in the family for ages and we plan too keep it for ages more. It is a long barrel, and my father was given to him by his father around 30 years ago, and supposedly it was old then.. haha  
         Thanks for you time Mr. Gage!

ANSWER: Hello Joe.
  I need a little more information from your shotgun. Please write down everything that is stamped on it and where it is located. On top of barrel, on side of barrel, on side of receiver, etc. Get this information back to me and I can start on the research.
  Thank you, Charles Gage

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Okay, I'll do my best! This gun itself is pretty weathered. The only markings on this shotgun are the serials themselves. Two of these are located on the wooden forearm piece, one of those being located on metal trimming on the end of the wooden piece. Two more serials are located on the top and underneath the barrel itself near the receiving end.
Now, on the barrel.. The serial on top of the barrel is almost unreadable due to its condition, and the serial underneath the barrel seems as though it was hand engraved as the numbers aren't aligned and the number 2 has a loop. As for the two serials underneath the forearm, the number on the wood seems as though it may have been stamped, but the serial on the metal trim looks hand engraved as the number 2 also has a loop with that number and not aligned.
Its is pretty weathered though so I hope this information helped. We really want to get this gun restored for my father as it really means a lot to him as it was given to him by his father.
         ,Thanks again Mr. Gage!

ANSWER: Hello Joe.
  I really appreciate the effort you made to give me more information. I must ask though, how do you know it is an Iver Johnson? Have you given me all the information from the gun? Could it say 'Iver Johnson Arms Company' or 'Iver Johnson Arms and Cycle Works'? Is the opening lever on top behind the hammer or is it on the side of the receiver? There were some that had a ring inside the trigger guard to open it. Does the barrel have an engraved rib running the full length of the barrel? Does the butt plate have any writing on it? I could answer your original question as it is an 'Iver Johnson Champion'. It was manufactured between 1880 to 1957. I would rather be able to narrow it down to less than a twenty year period. I can also tell you if it is safe to shoot modern smokeless powder ammunition or only blackpowder ammunition.
  Please indulge me one more time, if you will. Charles Gage

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Alright we found it! As I stated before, this gun is pretty weathered. After speaking to my father over the phone, he has found Iver Johnson on the end of the barrel, on the very to. Also, he stated on the stock they found "Iver Johnson Arms & Cycle Works", then it says "Fitchs URG.MASS.USA Champion".
Now which side of the stock they found it, I can't say for sure. He also told me he thinks it was almost 70 years old when it was given it to him my his father and that it was a "full choke single shot". I'm not that big of a gun guy, but I get what he means lol.
         Thanks again Mr. Gage, hope this info helps!

Hello again, Joe.
  I know how hard it is to find information stamped on a piece of metal that is over a hundred years old. In 1894, Iver Johnson Company became Iver Johnson Arms & Cycle Works of Fitchburg, Mass. There are two possibilities for your gun. #1. Iver Johnson Champion Top Snap New Model which was manufactured from 1900-1908. It came standard with a 30" barrel with 28" and 32" optional. It had American Black Walnut wood, Case-hardened frame and brown barrel, hard rubber grip cap and butt plate. These were made to shoot blackpowder loaded shells only. (Yes, many people used the modern smokeless powder shells in these, but those were the days when case pressures were much less than our low velocity shells of today). #2. Iver Johnson Champion Model 36 was manufactured from 1909-1913. In 1913 the name changed to Champion Single Barrel Shotgun and remained this until 1957. This shotgun came very much as the 1900-1908 model except it had the barrel and lug forged in one piece. A nickel frame was optional. This model had a stronger barrel and lug, so it was ready for the modern smokeless shells. The Model 36 is more likely the gun you have. In my opinion, the shotgun sounds like it has seen it's better days. I would clean it up the best I could and find a good place on the wall. If it has rust, use #0000 steel wool and gun oil. Just keep rubbing. It may seem like forever, but if you use any coarser steel wool, you will be getting rid of the underlying patina that comes with age. You can use the same grade steel wool on the wood and once you have finished, cover it with a light furniture grade oil (non-arosol). Do not use the steel wool on the rubber grip cap and butt plate. Just clean them with tooth paste, water and a tooth brush.
  I hope this helps answer your question. Contact me anytime. And remember, AllExperts is not only for firearms information, but any question you may have from A-Z. Thank you,again. Charles Gage  
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