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gun safety in homes with children

How should guns be stored in homes with children?  What are some safety precautions i should take in storing my guns to keep them safe from my children?

Hello Molly. All firearms should be stored the same way for children and adults. But first, ask yourself, "Why do I feel the need for a firearm in my home?" If you can convince yourself of the need for the protection of your family that extends beyond a 911 call, then follow these steps for a more safe firearm environment in your home. #1: Make your choice of which type of firearm you wish to use for home protection. There are basically three types of firearms to consider. Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun. There isn't enough space on this page to go into the reasons and different opinions of each type. You have, however, asked for my advise, so here is my choice and the reason behind it. The shotgun. A simple shotgun shell, with low velocity #6 bird-shot, is sufficient for shooting at an intruder from up to 50 feet or so, if need be. Reason being, the bird shot, at that distance, will enter an intruders clothing and soft tissue, without penetrating any walls where other family members  may be. One mistake people make is to use a high-powered hand gun that will penetrate several average interior walls. I also recommend a pump action shotgun. Why? Because the sound of operating the pump is unmistakable to the ear of most people. The sound is called 'RACKING'. Most intruders will flee when they hear this sound. If this does not stop the intruder, due to the legalities of selfdefense, you may need to say these words, "I HAVE A GUN. PLEASE LEAVE!" Now, where should you keep this gun? I suggest by your bedside. Do not, under any circumstance , keep it loaded! You should have easy access to the shotgun shells(one is plenty, since the sound your gun makes counts for one deterrent and you will most likely only have time to load one shell). Practice loading it in the dark, since a nighttime intrusion is the usual scenario. This should take care of securing your weapon as safe as possible in a defensive mode. #2: If you like to display your firearms for others to see, do so with a heavy-duty safety-glass front gun cabinet with a secure locking system. Another way would be to display rifles and shotguns in a prone position high upon a wall, with a double bar locking system. There are also trigger-locks available for all firearms.I highly recommend these locks for all firearms, inside or outside of a gun safe. This would also be good if you wish to show them to others, hands-on. As in self-defense, remember to store all ammunition in a separate locked safety box, in another room if possible. #3: I favor storing all firearms in a fire-proof steel gun safe, preferably in an out of sight space, such as a closet bolted to the wall and floor.
As I said earlier, there are as many solutions for safely owning a firearm, as there are stars in the sky! I am a 55 year old gun collector, and believe everyone who practices safe firearm handling should own at least one. This has kept our nation free for over 230 years. I hope this extra time I spent answering your question has helped and thank you for asking for me. Charles Gage

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