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General Running Question About Long Term Health Implications

2016/7/22 10:10:02


I am developing a small all round general purpose fitness regime and I would like to ask your expert advice with regards to some running questions. The question really stems from some confusing research I have come across.

What is the overriding scientific conclusion as to whether jogging is potential harmful with regards to long term effects such as causing arthritis, worn joints or worn parts of joints as you age. I am specifically enquiring about running on 搕armac roads?as opposed to concrete roads. I am not concerned about random accidents such as twisting or spraining as these are not directly related to continued use of the road surface.

I have read about some scientific studies but couldn抰 really find a clear definitive answer one way or the other. I know also that some of the various fitness books from various popular authors advocate not running. Whilst they don抰 necessarily say that its bad but they don抰 include it nor do they recommend it.

Hence in summary: In your esteemed opinion is general purpose light jogging on tarmac surfaced country roads possibly going to have any long term accumulative negative impact upon my health caused directly from the surface material.

The general amount of exercise I am talking about is 1 to 3 miles three to five times per week.

Your assistance is really appreciated.

With Kind Regards

James, first of all, like anything in the world there will be different opinions. Running strehgthens tendons, ligaments, etc and really shouldn't affect long term health more than any other sport. MIllions of people run, so if there was a direct effect, we should have millions of people not walking anymore.Most of those in bad shape are highly overweight and unfit. I ran about 4500 miles a year for about 7 years atleast. That's a total of 30,000 miles and I am very fine. You runninga max of 15 miles per week is about 700 miles ayear max. You should have a good 40 years a head of you for sure!

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